How To Find Customers When You Are A Web Professional?

Find Customers When You Are A Web Professional : When you work independently as a web professional, finding your first missions and then developing your clientele are among the major objectives. It is not easy to understand this crucial commercial part. Where to look and how to find customers? Discover 7 practical tips that you can implement.
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Create Your Website
Commercially speaking, a website has become essential. This is now a guarantee of credibility.
The site can be simple, but it must imperatively give a professional image of you. The objective is that your prospects can find the services offered and your achievements. Also remember to add your contact details and a contact form to allow you to collect the email address of visitors who will go to this stage.
Apply On Freelance Sites: A Good Way To Find Clients
These platforms are used to connect you with customers. You can offer your services or apply for missions. The competition is tough so take care of your profile:
- With a professional photo
- Through a precise description of your services
- Thanks to attractive rates
- By asking for opinions and recommendations.
These sites dedicated to freelancers represent a solution to realize your first projects, gain experience and thus have achievements to value in your portfolio.
Use Social Media To Find Freelance Clients
LinkedIn is the most well-known professional social network and a great way to find customers for free. Here too, your profile must be neat and above all you must be active. Several levers can be used to boost your visibility:
- Expand the number of relationships: Invite other freelancers, companies, referees and potential partners to get in touch with you
- Get active by liking and commenting on posts
- Create content to prove your expertise
- Integrate professional groups related to your activity
Expand Your Offline Presence
Virtual networks and online communities are important for finding freelance clients, but don’t neglect real contacts. They remain essential to accelerate traditional word-of-mouth.
To do this, target entrepreneurs’ clubs, business networks, and participate in events related to your activity.
For these meetings, do not go with a goal of sales at all costs. Instead, think about expanding your circle, opening up and offering your help.
Get In Touch With Other Freelancers
Even if the competition seems tough to you, bringing together providers who offer the same services as you, is beneficial. The most experienced will be able to give you advice of all kinds: administrative management of the company, tips on how to work, business intelligence .
And if one of them is overwhelmed and has to refuse a mission, he could offer to take over from the client.
How Do I Find Customers? Identify Partners
The term partnership applies when 2 parties pool their resources and strengths in order to achieve a common goal.
The idea here is to find a web independent who works in a field complementary to yours. For example, a web design professionals can work with a developer or an SEO consultant can collaborate with a web writer.
These speakers then become prescribers to recommend you to their customers on additional services to theirs.
Prospect In Direct Approach
This traditional method is to contact prospects to offer them your services. From a list of potential customers, the approach is done by phone or email.
This technique is less and less topical and struggles to obtain results because it is often considered too intrusive. Nevertheless, it is still interesting to practice it sometimes by targeting well, personalizing the speech and bringing added value to the prospect before trying to sell him anything.