5 Successful Business Ideas For Knowing How To Anticipate The Future

5 Successful Business Ideas For Knowing How To Anticipate The Future : Some call it the low contact economy, others the knowledge economy as an alternative to the service economy. In any case, all these solutions point to the remote world that is coming.
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Nubii: Virtual Offices For Remote Spaces
Nubii is a product launched by Singular Factory, a project born in the Canary Islands and with ramifications in Latin America and the United States launched by Canarian entrepreneur Gustavo Medina, one of the most relevant figures in the world of ICT. Medina is now residing in Florida from where she coordinates a team of nearly 30 people, totally relocated. Among her new contributions to the market is Nubii, a global proposal that allows all workspaces to be virtualized, but makes colleagues feel and work as if they were together. In other words, it is the ideal solution for those employees who hate the isolation of teleworking and miss their colleagues and for those bosses who, even betting on the teleworking formula, want to monitor what the team is doing at all times.
Through the virtual recreation of physical space and giving each person an avatar, anyone can detect at a glance not only who is active, but also which individuals or departments are on a task where they cannot be disturbed, gathered, or even in some other way. training.
Edosoft: Educational Digitization That Combats Inequalities
The education system has been one of the most damaged by the pandemic. Taking into account that it is a priority sector in any society, we cannot allow ourselves to be paralyzed by a crisis, on the contrary, alternatives and solutions are necessary to strengthen it in any circumstance.
With this priority, the first thing they did was teach teachers how to use and take advantage of Google for Education tools
Later, they expanded the offer to the Public Administration by proposing online training to the entire teaching staff through the development of virtual laboratories. A case of success, with this program, is represented by the Government of the Autonomous Community of Navarra, where they contributed to the training of 10,000 teachers in just 2 months. They also undertook actions aimed at sealing the educational digital gap in institutions such as the University of La Laguna.
Classlife: The All-In-One For Educational Management
The latest that has been published about this educational platform is that it has just closed an investment round of 800,000 euros, led by Faraday Venture Partners and in which Angels Capital -linked to Juan Roig- and Archipélago Next have also participated. The objective of the capital increase is to implement the technology and expand throughout the Latin American market.
Cloud platform for the management of educational centers that connects sales teams, billing, academic secretariat and the entire educational community in a virtual campus that allows the center to have a general vision of all the operations and processes of the school at a glance”. The expression to summarize it is “all in one for educational management”. The platform is accessible from any device and has a mobile application for iOS and Android.
Repeople: Designing Ecosystems For Teleworkers
Repeople is a project launched by the entrepreneur Nacho Rodríguez, a staunch defender of flexible and remote work. Taking advantage of the fact that the Canary Islands were distancing themselves from the rest of the peninsula as an attractive destination for digital nomads and employees whose corporations consented to remote work, he promoted this project with the original intention of repopulating the area, attracting foreign talent and invigorating the knowledge economy as an alternative to the service economy.
Of course, to attract these professionals, it is necessary to provide the land with infrastructures in accordance with their needs. Thus, Repeople set up, in the first place, a coworking space that would welcome those who prefer a work environment instead of doing it alone. They then added the offer of a coliving where digital nomads or teleworkers can save costs by sharing a roof and common areas. The organization already has 3 coliving spaces that also allow free access to coworking. The other added value that Nacho Rodríguez talks about is the community, where they connect people from all over the world, creating synergies that, on many occasions, prove to be more than profitable.
Idoven: Cardiology Online
Whether we like it or not, medicine is another of those areas in which more and more remote care will be applied. We have seen it intensify since the pandemic with telephone attention for certain processes, but if they really want telemedicine to replace face-to-face medicine, the key is to find very precise solutions that exceed the capacity of medical practitioners or, at the same time, least, provide service with equal efficiency.
Within the national ecosystem, quite powerful solutions are emerging in this line. One of the most talked about is Idoven, the startup that offers software in the cloud that, based on artificial intelligence, allows you to analyze electrocardiograms, and detect and classify arrhythmias with the precision of a cardiologist, remotely and in time real. So that patients with heart disease, especially vulnerable at the moment, can be monitored from home.
HumanITcare Is Another.
It is a telemedicine platform for remote patients that integrates communication standards for the unification of different medical systems and devices. With its hybrid platform, you can choose what data you want to collect and process patient data remotely from different devices, such as blood pressure monitors, heart rate monitors, pulse oximeters, smart scales, wearables or smart bracelets, among others.