ENYD: “The Person In Charge Of HR Is The Engine Of The Company”

ENYD: “The Person In Charge Of HR Is The Engine Of The Company” : Can you imagine doing an online human resources master’s degree and instantly finding a job in the area? Many think that it is an impossible mission, but Sergio Bragado González (student of the Official Online Master’s Degree in People Management and Management at ENyD ) has shown that, with desire and effort, it can be done.
And it is that the professional career of this former ENyD student revolves around the human factor. “ I have always believed that the best work is done as a team because it is like a set of gears that, with the right environment, effort, trust in colleagues, motivation, wanting to learn, and knowing how to rectify, fit together perfectly. and achieve the set goals.
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The Advantage Of 100% Online Training
Online human resources master one of the things that motivated to take the master’s degree in human resources at ENyD was the 100% online modality: “My experience was quite enriching, especially different because it was the first time I got into online training and totally self-management. What is online training has been a very important step, especially for the new generations that we are beginning to work, since continuous training is very important and having the possibility of adapting your training to the basic demands of the day day-to-day, as work can be, it is fundamental”.
The flexibility of schedules and location provided by the Master in Management and People Management, being online, means that students can train from anywhere in a simple and comfortable way, which saves time and money by not having to travel to no venue.
In addition, this training allows the student to participate in online classes, personal tutorials, collaborative work, and much more to obtain a unique experience. In addition, I also highlight the interaction with my classmates that I was able to have throughout the master’s degree”.
About Training: Online Human Resources Master
This training is intended for those interested to be able to turn talent and people management into the engine of success of any organization since it is one of the great challenges that companies face in the 21st century. Sergio is clear about it: “We are all part of that machinery called a company. If one piece fails, they all fail, and for the machinery to work, all the pieces have to fit together, starting with the main piece, the person in charge of human resources”.
For this reason, our former student was clear about the training he wanted to receive and his goal: to become the human resources manager of a company to make teamwork .I imagined that HR was a very important part at the corporate level, but through the different subjects; of the teachers, whose profile was very different and complementary to them; and of the notion that HR has, not only at a corporate level but also in other areas and aspects; he gave me differentiating and positive knowledge about what was waiting for me”, he explains.
And it is that this online human resources master focuses on issues such as motivation for productivity and employee satisfaction, as well as strategies for retaining talent, both elements that will become key to business success. The student will be able to lead any company in a new paradigm with people at the center of the strategy.
The program of the official online Master in Management and People Management of ENyD is aimed at training managers and not merely training technicians in human resources. A global strategic vision is included according to current demands and the contents are designed according to the present and future needs of companies, therefore, the use of new technologies and the use of key tools are incorporated into the curriculum.
In the interview, Sergio affirms that the two best memories he had taken from this training were his classmates and the teaching staff: “ I have been in contact with some teachers after finishing my studies and it is a pleasure because they are completely at your disposal for whatever you need. you need, queries… And the best thing is that they are very different profiles, not only of teachers but of professionals. That is very differentiating and it is quite noticeable”.
And it is that training in people management requires a practical and real approach, which is why the professors and teachers of the School of Business and Management – ENyD are professionals who occupy relevant positions in leading companies.