7 Reasons To Start A Video Marketing Content Strategy

Video Marketing Content Strategy : Communication expressed in video is the format that everyone seeks to exploit with greater or lesser intensity. If you fall out of the race against your competition, it can affect your long-term business strategy. Today we tell you 7 reasons to start a content strategy for video marketing.
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Why Do Users Value Video Content So Much?
Social networks like Vine or Periscope have given video a spectacular boost, and have made it gain followers. Facebook has been quick to incorporate video among its main functionalities and is attentive to the trend.
Users are impatient by nature and are responsible for setting the pace of marketing strategies with the addition of new tools. Immediacy came with a new order of priorities: live video and streaming are the leaders with Facebook Live, Periscope, and YouTube in the lead.
Why Should A Business Invest In A Video Marketing Strategy?
It happens a bit like the year of the groundhog, every year is “the year of the video”. Your audience comes to your website or blog with the expectation of finding content in this format, and you cannot disappoint.
The data:
The last debate between the candidates for the presidency of the United States has been the most watched political marketing event live thanks to the share provided by the internet: almost 100 million viewers combined.
7 Reasons To Start A Video Marketing Content Strategy
1 Build trust with your audience
Years ago we bought products a little blindly, just an image and trust in the advertiser’s message. Then we started to compare prices and qualities. Later we incorporate the opinions of users who have already tried the product. Now the video has become a central element in decision-making and in purchase action. It has replaced many pre-purchase actions and may even be enough to convince the user on its own. Seeing how the product works bears an imprint that is difficult to replace. This is confidence, you have nothing to hide.
Remember the smartphone blender ad?
Surely you do not need to be told the revolutions per minute or the quality of the finish. Video helps the advertiser create a compelling story around the product.
2 Keeps the company competitive and sets trends
Good video content is accepted by all, regardless of demographics or subject areas.
How have your competitor’s incorporated video into their communication strategy?
We live in a moment in which social networks become increasingly friendly with the video format and show us the path that current content travels. And the trend is deepening. The social network Snapchat -one of the last to arrive- has set the pace of transformations to big ones like Facebook and Instagram.
3 Improve the SEO of your website
Video can become the main source of natural positioning for a website and a differentiating factor that makes you stand out from the competition.
Google bots “read” text, not images. To index text, try to upload a video on YouTube with a title and description with the chosen keywords and include the video transcript on the metadata page.
It’s also easier to generate social sharing momentum and drive new users to your website.
4 It is accessible to all budgets
An entrepreneur even with very limited resources can carry out a video marketing strategy without problems. A way of approaching the consumer without being intrusive and without forcing them to consume advertising.
Armed with a smartphone and a good creative story, it can be enough to win over followers and connect with the public.
5 Memorable.
Video improves brand recall. People are reached with thousands of daily impacts of messages that are impossible to remember in their entirety.
Video manages to retain connect with users at a higher level and stay in their memory longer
6 Opportunity to communicate complex issues
It depends on the business sector, this point is decisive. A well-founded tutorial is an element with a power of conviction that is difficult to overcome when deciding on a distance purchase.
Videos designed and created to be understood by all audiences are not only effective but also attractive.
7 Senses and emotion as a claim
Puppies, babies, and tasty culinary preparations are an irresistible hook.
With automatic reproductions on social networks, we all have more desire to sink our teeth into a cake or caress a pet. They have connected!
Are you looking for ideas to make a video?
- Corporate video
- Explanatory interactive video
- Live Streaming
- Tutorials
- Product Reviews
- Interactive video in the contest
- Meetings with followers
Without a doubt, a video has the ability to touch our nerves and make us more sensitive.
Why Not Use This Resource In Your Strategy?
Take advantage of the format and communicate with good storytelling the history of your company with a touch of humor and/or emotion.
When you seek to build a sustainable business, you hope to create lasting relationships. A video marketing strategy will help win and retain customers, create a community and be transparent, which means higher participation and conversion rates.