Learn How Hybrid Selling Drives Marketing And Sales Integration

Learn How Hybrid Selling Drives Marketing And Sales Integration

Hybrid Selling : If you are going on a trip to Mallorca, you will need a plane and also a vehicle to take you from the airport to the hotel. You need to go through the entire journey if you want to get there, just as the buyer must go through all the steps, and each one is important.

That is why marketing and sales must work in a coordinated manner, so as not to lose potential clients along the way. Discover how hybrid selling drives the integration of marketing and sales departments.

We talk about hybrid sales to refer to a new commercial paradigm in which the professional moves between the digital and in-person worlds. The hybrid seller faces an Omni channel scenario where he can connect with his client from start to finish, with great adaptability to each medium.

The hybrid seller faces an Omni channel scenario and moves between the digital and in-person worlds

Why Hybrid Selling Drives Marketing And Sales Integration?

Today we already know that the customer has gone through practically 60% of the purchasing process before interacting with the company or the seller. Normally the client travels this path alone, browsing the Internet and finding the information that interests them. He searches on Google, enters forums, interacts on different social networks and reads his emails.

Marketing and sales must work in a coordinated manner, so as not to lose potential clients along the way.

Everyone knows that, among other key aspects, the job of the marketing department is precisely to impact current and potential customers in this initial phase. How is it achieved? There are several ways to do it: Social Ads campaigns, SEM, SEO, advertising banners in the media, organic content on social networks, etc.

Once contacts are obtained, which in marketing are called leads , it is time to take them to a workflow to advance their purchase decision, until the lead is qualified enough to transfer that data to the sales department.

The qualified leads that reach the sales department are at that key moment that cannot be overlooked. It is often said in the sales world that this is a ‘hot’ contact and therefore speed is key so that the sale does not go cold.

A hybrid seller has the great advantage that it can rely on technology for all of this. Through the use of a CRM, qualified leads are assigned in the system, so that the salesperson from the first moment can receive an alert that they have a client who is showing interest in our product or service and whom they must attend to or visit. The times when we approached potential clients without knowing anything about their interest in our product or service seem to be leaving us behind.

The new hybrid salesperson takes advantage of technology to know the exact moment when he should intervene so that the client perceives the value of his advice and agrees to be accompanied in the 40% of the purchasing process that remains to be followed.

Today, the new hybrid salesperson takes advantage of technology to know the exact moment where they should intervene so that the customer perceives the value of their advice and agrees to be accompanied in the 40% of the purchasing process that remains to be followed.

Thus, it takes advantage of the competitive advantage that technology offers to be able to automate processes and make the entire system more efficient, being able to minimize travel times and multiplying commercial activity by combining several channels.

At the same time, he does not underestimate the advantages of lifelong sales, personalized treatment and emotional connection. That is, by hybridizing your commercial process you can be closer to the customer, more efficiently and with a greater number of impacts.

What Do The Advantages Of Hybridization Translate Into Sales?

Combine Omni channel, because the client may have been attracted, for example, by an ad from us on Facebook Ads, may have been referred to email marketing and in the end the commercial opportunity has been sent to a seller so that they can contact him and they can organize an in-person meeting.

In all scenarios there has been the right marketing or sales system or professional, and always coordinated with each other to transmit a well-designed and coherent strategy for the client and, therefore, maximize results.

The hybrid salesperson is a figure that has come to stay and will bring with it the long-awaited link between Marketing and Sales.

Keys To Integrating The Marketing And Sales Departments

This whole process fits together perfectly as long as there is good communication from the marketing and sales departments. This does not mean that they should meet every day, as they would lose their work rhythm.

The key is that they have a shared operating protocol and that they have the appropriate technology.

  • Marketing and sales must have CRM-type customer management software and the sales team must be convinced to use it (with a sales team that understands CRM as “a punishment” there will be no point in having the best solution on the market).
  • The treatment of contacts, nomenclatures and internal notes must be coordinated
  • From sales, constant feedback must be given to marketing so that it captures and qualifies with increasing precision and generates content adapted to the reality of each area, profile or target target. In the end, the sales team is the best commercial intelligence department.
  • The agility with which marketing notifies sales of the Sales Qualified Leads (SQL) must be very agile so that the Hybrid Seller can intervene and advise the potential client at the right time to accompany them in the final and decisive phases of their purchasing process. .
  • To prevent contact from going cold, the hybrid salesperson must quickly channel opportunities toward the sale. To do this, you must understand the importance of this moment and be very prepared and trained for when the opportunity arises.
  • Depending on the customer’s profile and history, the hybrid sale should occur through the most appropriate channel.

In short, what it is about is that marketing and sales work like a symphony, in an integrated and united way. This way, sales opportunities will not be lost, processes can be optimized and the probability of success will be maximized.

The hybrid salesperson is a figure that has come to stay and will bring with it the long-awaited link between Marketing and Sales.

Nowadays there are no excuses, the “enemy” cannot be inside the house and it is time to understand that the alignment of these two departments will achieve the desired results in times of the new Omni channel digital client.

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