What Does A Good Story Telling Needs To Attract Customers?

What Does A Good Story Telling Needs To Attract Customers?

Who doesn’t like good story telling? Well told, it attracts our attention and makes us remember the details better. And if on top of that it excites us and we feel part of it, we will surely remember it forever and we ourselves are capable of telling and transmitting it.

Storytelling is exactly that: telling a story to achieve our goal, which is to sell . This technique is the best ally of brands that want to get their message across. In a scenario in which advertising is increasingly sophisticated, it is not about making an ad that attracts attention, but about building and transmitting a story in relation to our brand or product that calls for consumer action . .

How to get the message to strike a chord with consumers accustomed to receiving thousands of stimuli every day?

The key is to follow a series of steps to build our message as if it were a story:

  • Be clear who you are

targeting You must set the target audience . Being clear about your recipients is essential to be able to target the message. Put yourself in their shoes and think about what kind of communication you would like to receive if you were a consumer.

  • Build a well-structured story.

Every story must contain an approach , middle and end . What you want to tell about your product must also follow this structure. In your storytelling , do not lose sight of the objective that you have set for yourself to communicate.

  • Add emotion

If you strike a chord, you will have gone much further than others do. It has been shown that stories with emotion are the ones that we process and remember the best.

  • Seeks that the consumer feels identified

You have to make the recipient feel part of this message. This component is also closely linked to the emotional part. So if you get the consumer to feel involved and also experience some specific emotion, you will have a long way to go.

  • Enter a call to action

It is vital to achieve our goals , whether they buy directly, fill out a form, visit our store…

  • Every story has its moral

Stories have their purpose , that is, a teaching that makes our behavior as users be in a certain way, it can even make us change our point of view.

By doing a good storytelling we will not only be able to inform about our product or service, but also convince and sell more effectively. At the same time, we will increase the confidence that customers have in our brand while attracting potential customers. In short, we will communicate better to achieve our goals.

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