All You Need To Know About E-learning

E-learning : The human being is emotional , from the feet to the head. When we like something, moves us, shocks us or terrifies us, it is difficult for us to forget. Haven’t you ever heard a song and suddenly felt like you went back in time and remembered that specific moment when it was playing? Or that particular scent that takes you straight back to a time in your life you thought you had forgotten? By the way, according to what they say, smell is the sense that makes you remember something the strongest.
We all also remember a particular teacher. It may be one from school, institute, university, etc. He may not have been the richest teacher in knowledge, but he was the one who made you “love” a subject the most.
In my case, for example, I will always remember a university professor who made his subject,, captivate me as if it were a great book or movie. His classes were participatory, exciting, he showed you everything he knew from another point of view, he made you use your imagination, etc.
From the first day I could sense that it was going to be different when he said phrases like: “I don’t care about the grades, for me if you want it you already have a pass” or “with me forget to learn dates and close the books”. Right away he reminded me of the brilliant Robin Williams in ‘Dead Poets Club’ with his already famous “ Oh, captain my captain ”.
In online training , there is the figure of the tutor/facilitator that often goes unnoticed. It is the person who follows the student’s progress from “the other side”. Her mission is to ensure that each and every one of the students reaches the objectives set in advance, each one at their own pace. He is the “captain” who motivates his students and offers them to get out of the shackles of the course to see what lies beyond.
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But of course, digital training is different from face-to-face training, which is why it is difficult to “empathize” with someone you do not see. For this reason, it is essential that the tutor is a figure who is not limited to giving answers only reactively when asked a question, but who anticipates them and motivates them to participate, ask questions, collaborate, etc. To do this, it has online tools within the e-learning platforms such as messaging, forums, chats, videoconferences, blogs, gamification, RRSS, etc.
A good online training platform with its appropriate tools allows the tutor and student to meet and interact. It is a space to expand the “hermetic content” of the course and get together to talk about current issues, see different approaches to what was seen in the course, help undertake real projects outside the classroom, try to guide at a professional level, etc.
The tutor must be the figure that transmits passion through its educational proposals, therefore having a good campus on the e-learning platform, where tutors and students interact and solve their doubts proactively and through telematic meetings, is key. to get the most out of digital training. It is not the same to propose a collaborative practice through a videoconference at the time that best suits the students than if you simply write a few lines on the platform solving a query.
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