What Is Free Sample Marketing

Free Sample Marketing : You really wanted to talk about the subject of free samples , since I consider that they can be a very effective Branding tool for many brands, and I especially think that it can be a very attractive element for Online Stores or Ecommerce to use.
This marketing strategy is called Sampling and consists of sending a trial of our products for free and with a clear objective and promotional component.
Sampling is a strategy that is reborn from its ashes like El Fenix and from time to time it appears as a very strong and useful marketing strategy for companies.
Table of Contents
What’s Behind A Free Sample?
If you send a free sample to a customer’s home, what you are mainly looking for is loyalty and for this customer to talk about your product, that is, what we are encouraging is the word of mouth of a lifetime and how good results it has always been. dice.
But you have to think very carefully about the marketing strategy that involves sending a free sample, and that logically it is not useful to send just anything and we have to take very good care of every last detail of this sample that we are going to send.
We Can Find Several Interesting Features:
- Valid promotion until end of stocks. In this way, if we do not have stock of the samples, we can say that we have notified it, so ready, right?
- At the bottom we can find conditions of the offer such as:
- The period for reception is within a maximum period of 1 (one) month.
- Only one shipment per household will be made.
- This promotion is only valid for deliveries in territory.
We must not leave any “loose fringe” and we must make very clear the conditions that must be met or met in order to request one of our free trials.
Free Makeup Samples
Free makeup samples is another good example of this brand advertising strategy. Makeup is a product that takes up very little space and is very easy to send to anyone’s home.
Here is an example of a free sample offered by the company Clarins as a prize when making a purchase of more than $60 and $100.
Best known examples of free samples
Free Samples for Babies
If you have been a father, you will know that before your baby is born, it is very likely that you will begin to receive free samples of baby magazines, creams, and so on, and of course you receive it just at the right time, and of course they achieve the goal. I seem to remember that we subscribed to one of these magazines for a whole year..
A brand that knows very well how to exploit this from the samples is the Giant Dodot .
If we analyse the promotion we can see that it appears in a pop up, but it only appears the first time you access the page, so it is very well thought out as a sales incentive strategy. Would you buy this online store?
Free samples of perfumes or cosmetics
When you go to buy a perfume or a cosmetic, there are large supermarkets that usually give you free samples of other products so that you can get to know them. This strategy, despite being widely used, is still effective since most buyers accept and appreciate receiving these samples.