Charge Your Mobile Even When The Power Goes Out At Home

Charge Your Mobile Even When The Power Goes Out At Home : With the passage of time we are seeing how more and more smartphones are accompanied by a better battery and a more optimized system. However, if we are without light at home for a long time for any reason, we may have a serious problem. Anyway, there are different alternatives to charge the mobile without electricity with the help of gadgets and options that will save us from a hurry without running the risk of being incommunicado.
In case of foreseeing that we will not have electric current during certain hours, it is best to charge the mobile before up to 100% and so we will be sure that we will not miss it. Although the autonomy of a phone is not infinite, no matter how much we try to make it so. Luckily, if we use the energy saving methods we will be even calmer, since the energy of the smartphone will be able to withstand more. The problem will come when it takes too long to recover the light at home. In those cases, what can we do?
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You Have To Be Foresighted
The autonomy of a mobile is not infinite, although there are different tricks to gain battery or, at least, so that the smartphone lasts the maximum time on without turning off. Although, in order to prevent this you have to be proactive and be ready just in case, at any time, the light from home goes away for one reason or another. Either because there has been a blackout in our area or they have had to cut the electricity for works. In any case, these tips will help you maintain the energy of your device:
- Use your smartphone’s battery saving mode.
- Turn off your phone if you’re not going to be using it at the time.
- Disable mobile connections that you do not need: NFC, Wi-Fi, data, etc.
- Use airplane mode.
- Lower the brightness of the smartphone screen.
However, when the time comes, and no matter how much energy a smartphone has, we will have to charge the mobile at any time. Therefore, it is time to see the alternatives that exist to be able to do so, even when we do not have electricity at home.
Charge Your Phone If You Don’t Have A Light
In addition to being foresighted when it comes to saving battery on the phone, there are a number of gadgets or options so that we can continue to keep the mobile on at any time. Therefore, we are going to recommend a series of alternatives that, in our option, are the best you can have when you run out of electricity at home.
The best option, laptops
This gadget has become an essential during trips or getaways to the mountain, but we can not miss in our house for moments where there is no light because it will be of great help. It does not matter if it is smaller or larger, any capacity will be welcome in a critical situation such as not having available the plugs to connect our mobile.
From any online website, such as Amazon, we can get hold of different portable batteries that offer us what we need. Depending on the amperage of the phone component or the charging speed, we will need one or the other. To help you we leave you these key points so that you choose one without problems:
- The capacity in mAh.
- Look at the speed it offers to give energy.
- How many charges does it offer to your mobile?
- The number of available ports.
Use reverse technology
If we have two mobiles at home and one of them is running out of battery and the other still has more to spare, resorting to reverse charging can be the solution. With this method we will be able to pass electricity from one phone to the other and thus ensure that the cell does not run out.
Anyway, before trying we must know if our mobile has this technology in our phone files, Samsung smartphones are one of the main exponents of this technology. On the contrary, the terminal that wants to receive the cell will have to have only wireless charging. In addition, we must activate this function that we will find in Settings > Battery.
Charge it in the car
It is not the best option or the ideal, especially if our car is not electric and, therefore, we are emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, but it is still an option that we must value. Just by having an adapter for the car and the USB cable of our phone we will be able to connect it to the lighter or directly to the USB socket if it already includes it, so we will avoid having to have an adapter. We recommend you not to be too much with the car started or we will get a very expensive gas tank.
With 100% clean energy
On the contrary, an option that is becoming increasingly popular are solar chargers. Whether we do not have electricity at home or if we go on a getaway to the mountain, these small solar panels will allow us to charge our mobile anywhere. The best thing to get a battery is to anticipate the facts and what we will have to do with this type of accessories will be to put them in the sun throughout the day and when they are ready or we need them, we will only have to connect the smartphone.
Don’t Even Think About Doing This
Surfing the net we find many options based on science that promise us to charge the mobile without light and without resorting to gadgets or other accessories for smartphones, but their dangers keep us from recommending them. We have been able to read options to power a terminal with a battery and a clip as current conduits, which could cause a discharge to ourselves. For this reason, this ‘invention’ will be better not to do it on our own.
There are also the classic tricks to charge the mobile with a lemon, but we do not find it convincing that the charger, which then enters a plug, passes through the liquid of this citrus fruit. Personally, we have been able to see how with the phones with removable batteries it was possible to give energy by rubbing them with jeans, but since smartphones are ‘unibody’ this is no longer possible.