B2C Sales Strategy

B2C is the acronym that defines Business to Consumer. Or what is the same, the sale of the business to the consumer. Under this denomination we find all the strategies that a company takes its products or services to the final consumer.
Unlike B2B (Business to Business, or sales between businesses), which highlight the strengths and benefits of the product, those companies that build bridges to end users must appeal to the most emotional part. This is just the first key to creating a successful B2C sales strategy.
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The Advantages Of B2C
Going directly to the consumer has some advantages that we should not ignore:
- Being close to customers allows us to improve relationships and loyalty.
- Due to the closeness with the client, communication is more fluid and close, being able to better attend to their needs.
- Thanks to the two previous points, we can offer you a range of products or services according to your demands.
- Being companies open to all audiences and not just professional environments, customers of all profiles can be attracted, without restrictions.
As a result of these points, we can understand that the challenge consists, mainly, in knowing what type of client we are going to target, since the market itself is too large and highly segmented.
The Best Known B2C Sales Models
In general, we can define five B2C sales lines in which we can encompass various business models:
- Traditional sales model: The most famous. The one in which a store, or professional, offer their products or services directly to the public. It does not necessarily have to have a physical space, it applies equally to the digital environment on ecommerce or web pages.
- Intermediaries, who put creators, producers, etc., and consumers in contact. A good example is hotel reservation platforms or travel agencies.
- Others: Here we can include those subscription services (streaming television platforms, for example), advertising sales models, or those based on the needs of a community.
Most B2C companies can be included in these models. The strategies to increase sales are applicable to all models.
Keys To Developing A Successful B2C Sales Strategy
As we have already anticipated, first of all we must create a buyer person . That is, define our typical client. And, in addition, collect all possible information: How many sales we have in a certain time frame, average ticket for each client and, if we have an online business, traffic and conversion statistics. In this way, we will understand what is the starting point to develop our strategy. You will go through the following points:
- First of all, we must analyze the phase of the sales funnel that we need to reinforce. Do we need to attract more customers? Or do we have potential customers who do not buy? In the first case, we must expand our advertising or ways to attract new users. In the second, reinforce our relationship with the user.
- Then, we must be clear that we must strengthen the relationship with your users. Your sales team, as well as the customer service team, must join forces to establish lasting relationships. As we have already explained, it is difficult to attract customers in a global market that is constantly growing.
- In addition, we must appeal to the feelings and needs of customers, making it clear that our product will be very useful to them. Impulse buying can also be encouraged by using promotions and discounts.
If we have an online business (not excluding a physical business), we must also:
- Boost the confidence of our users. It is difficult to buy a product that we cannot test, so you have to increase trust with reviews, comments, etc.
- To achieve the success of a B2C sales strategy based on a digital environment, we can bet on content marketing, which reinforces interactions with users.
- 360 marketing campaign: In addition to the content, we must organize the email marketing campaign, but also use social networks, as well as online advertising or traditional media.
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