The Importance Of Security Updates

Security Updates are additions or modifications made to the operating systems or applications that we have installed on our devices and whose mission is to improve both functionality and security aspects.
If we do not keep our computers up to date, we expose ourselves to all kinds of risks: theft of information, loss of privacy, financial damage, identity theft, etc.
Therefore, if we want to enjoy the advantages of technology, we must:
Monitor the update status of all our devices and applications.
Choose the option of automatic updates whenever it is available.
Install updates as soon as they are released, especially those for operating systems, browsers, and antivirus programs.
- Be careful with the applications we install, fleeing from untrusted sources and monitoring the privileges we grant them.
- Avoid using old applications and operating systems that no longer have security updates.
- Any program is susceptible to security flaws. For this reason, it may need to be updated regardless of the device on which it is installed. This includes the programs and operating systems of computers, tablets, smartphones, video game consoles, and even smart televisions.
- Software updates are not a bummer. On the contrary, they are essential to maintain the security of our devices.
- We must be aware that there are also browsers, programs, plugins, etc. installed on our devices . which of course also need to be updated to keep them up to date and well protected.
- A special case is the antivirus tool updates since they will only be effective if they are up to date. It is useless to have an antivirus installed if it is not able to detect the latest threats that circulate on the network.
- Important, we should not confuse having an updated application with having the latest version. We can have Microsoft Office 2007 installed and updated despite not being the latest version of this suite of office tools. Manufacturers not only market new versions that incorporate improvements, but also maintain the old versions for a long period of time through security updates.
Table of Contents
What Should We Do Before A New Update
- We must be aware of the risk of using outdated equipment. Once a security breach is made public, anyone with the right knowledge can use it to cause us harm. Therefore, we all have to get into the habit of keeping our devices up to date.
- In many cases, applications and devices have automatic update options , so that they are installed, in a transparent way for us, as soon as the manufacturer or developer publishes them. This is the most recommended option since it avoids us having to be aware of this task, which is sometimes a bit annoying.
- To make our work easier, there are tools that help us know if our equipment is up to date. An example is PSI ( Personal Software Inspector ) , which collects software that is installed on your system and alerts you for applications that are out of date. In this way we cover those applications that do not have an automatic update system. Security Updates protects the devices and fixes the bugs.
- To make our work easier, there are tools that help us know if our equipment is up to date. An example is PSI ( Personal Software Inspector ) , which collects software that is installed on your system and alerts you for applications that are out of date. In this way we cover those applications that do not have an automatic update system.
Some Precautions
- Criminals have discovered that patching is a new way to infect a device. For this reason, certain Internet sites and certain applications offer us the installation of fake updates . By accepting them, our computer would be infected. Therefore, we should not install anything that does not come from the official channels provided by the manufacturers and developers of the devices or software.
- We must flee from “pirate” sites, especially those that offer free or extremely cheap applications or services.
- Another situation that we must take into account is the installation or update of an application that needs certain privileges to function correctly. It is advisable to review them, to prevent malicious individuals who seek to take control of our device from using them. In any case, let us install applications only from trusted sources and always check the privileges in case they are excessive or unnecessary for the purpose for which they are intended.
- Criminals have discovered that patching is a new way to infect a device. For this reason, certain Internet sites and certain applications offer us the installation of fake updates . By accepting them, our computer would be infected. Therefore, we should not install anything that does not come from the official channels provided by the manufacturers and developers of the devices or software.
- We must flee from “pirate” sites, especially those that offer free or extremely cheap applications or services.
- Another situation that we must take into account is the installation or update of an application that needs certain privileges to function correctly. It is advisable to review them, to prevent malicious individuals who seek to take control of our device from using them. In any case, let us install applications only from trusted sources and always check the privileges in case they are excessive or unnecessary for the purpose for which they are intended.